Eisko Agency takes charge of the legal and technical creation, management and exploitation of the 3D Digital Doubles of celebrities.


Technical and legal management of your Digital Double

For more than 10 years, Eisko certifies the perfect 3D reproduction and guarantees the full control of celebrities on their own Digital Double.

We ensure the technical, legal and moral exploitation of this digital representation in time and over different media.

Unlock opportunities

Thanks to your Digital Double

Today, your Digital Double is an obvious business asset. It allows you to multiply performances, film productions and advertising opportunities.


As a celebrity you were lacking time: now you are sending your Digital Double to optimize your business calendar and advertising opportunities. What if you were available all the time?


Perform simultaneously in different places : what if you could give multiple concerts, star in multiple movies, appear live on social networks, give talks in multiple places at the same time?


Your Digital Double allows you to keep control of your appearance. Whether it's to get a transformation for a production, to keep eternity, or to control what you want to show the world.


In Paris, Monaco or more

Thanks to our expertise in 3D scanning using our proprietary photometric technology and modeling photoreal 3D model, we believe that perfect reproduction is not the goal but the starting point.

Unlike soulless avatars, your Eisko Digital Double mirrors you in every detail and your beautiful complexity: a world where digital and physical dimensions are increasingly intertwined


Of Your Digital Representation

With Eisko Agency's expertise, all aspects of your Digital Double management are centralized in a single point of contact.

Celebrities and their agents who have joined us can unlock the potential of their business without having to deal with the complexity linked with productions and risks of the digital environment (deepfakes).

Model Louise in Eisko's 3D scanning system


With Eisko Agency's legal framework

As a pioneer in the field of Digital Doubles, Eisko has developed an international legal framework that covers all your needs in terms of protecting your Digital Representation.

Our three-party contract allows your control over your Digital Representation and protection against its unauthorized usage.

3D Model Louise 3D Digital Double by Eisko

How does it work?

We ensure the security and control of your Digital Representation through a three-step legal process.


For the creation and implementation, a contract is signed once and for all between the rights holder and Eisko.

We deposit Digital Representation of the celebrity in the blockchain and provide a token (NFT).


For each production, a contract is signed between the production company and Eisko to use your Digital Double.

You and your partners will no longer have to deal with these time-consuming subjects while keeping control of your Digital Representation.


Our international legal framework allows you to control how your Digital Representation is integrated in productions and protect yourself against unauthorized and abusive exploitations like deepfakes.

Contact us

Do you have a general question about our services? Do you need a quote or to talk with our specialists? Send us a short message and we'll contact you back.